Grace Episcopal Church


Grace is pleased to announce that Father Neal McGowan has accepted the call to serve as our next rector. Thanks be to God! He comes to us by way of St. John the Divine in Houston. Father Neal has provided the following words as introduction to his new congregation:
Dear Grace Episcopal Church,
I am thrilled to be called to serve as your next rector. For many years I have watched from afar as Grace has grown and been a vibrant congregation in Central Texas. To be called to serve with you is thus a dream come true.
I was impressed by the friendliness of your search committee, their clear sense of the direction you are going, their excitement about the future of Grace, and their commitment to know Christ and make him known for generations in Georgetown. They should be commended for their hard work—they represent you well!
​I grew up in the booming metropolis of Van (population 2,000) behind the pine curtain in east Texas. I was raised in a generous evangelical tradition and discovered liturgy and the broader Christian tradition in college where I attended a small Roman Catholic liberal arts school majoring in English and minoring in Classics. While I had no intention at the time of serving in ministry, it almost seems inevitable (or better, providential) that ministry was in my future; one of my college roommates went on to become a Roman Catholic priest and another a presbyterian minister. I split the difference and became an Episcopalian.​
While in college, I also had the great luck (again, providence) of meeting my wife, Jennifer. She was at the University of North Texas studying international studies. Soon after we graduated from college, we were married, moved to Tyler, Texas, and began attending the Episcopal Church, being drawn by the liturgy, the sound preaching, and a grace-filled approach to discipleship.
While working as an English and History teacher at a private school in Tyler, I first sensed a call to the priesthood. Teaching is still at the heart of what I love about being a priest, and I look forward to teaching and learning with you. Jennifer and I moved to Austin so that I could attend the Seminary of the Southwest. She worked for an international non-profit, Mercy Ships, and then also at a boutique wine shop in Austin.
After seminary, I served as a curate and later an associate at St. Alban’s in Waco. In addition to the joy of serving at St. Alban’s, we had the great joy of welcoming our two children, Elizabeth (6) and Thomas (4). After 5 years at St. Alban’s, we moved to Houston to serve at St. John the Divine where I have been for nearly three years.
Jennifer and I have been married for 14 years, and when we aren’t doing kid centered things we love trying new restaurants, traveling, cooking, and watching British detective shows.
We are both so excited to be moving to Georgetown, and while Jennifer and the kids will be going back and forth from Houston to Georgetown every other weekend until the kids finish school in May, we are both ready to make Georgetown our home.
You have been in my prayers during this time of transition and will continue to be in the coming days. I look forward to being with you soon.
Fr. Neal McGowan
Grace Episcopal Church is a community of young and old, single people and families, Georgetown natives and Texas transplants. Each Sunday we bring our hearts and minds before God, as we worship Him in the beauty of our ancient liturgy, are fed by His life-giving Word, are stimulated by engaging sermons, and are formed by the grace of Jesus Christ.
In the Episcopal Church we believe that asking questions in church is an integral part of growing in the knowledge and love of God. If you feel like something is missing from your life, if you have questions, or if you’d just like to experience Christianity in one of its most ancient and beautiful forms, we’d love to have you pay us a visit. All are welcome at Grace Episcopal Church!
May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you now and always.
Please see our ministries page for ways to participate in the Grace spiritual community.